Local files are suitable for loading/saving files from other mindmapping applications.
Export your design as an image.
Your browser's localStorage can handle many mind maps and creates a permalink, but this URL cannot be shared.
Firebase offers real-time synchronization for true multi-user collaboration.
Use this to access a generic DAV-like REST API.
Maps stored in Google Drive have a permalink URL and can be shared with other users, if you allow this by setting proper permissions (inside Google Drive itself).
Pan the map | W/A/S/D |
Move selection | ←/↑/→/↓ |
Select root | Home |
Select parent | Backspace |
Center map | End |
Zoom in/Zoom out | +/− |
Fold/Unfold | F |
Insert a sibling | ↩ |
Insert a child | Tab/Insert |
Swap sibling | Ctrl+↑/Ctrl+↓ |
Change side | Ctrl+←/Ctrl+→ |
Delete an item | Delete |
Set value | V |
Yes/No/Computed | Y/N/C |
Edit item | Spacebar/F2 |
Line break | Shift+↩/Ctrl+↩ |
Bold | Ctrl+B |
Italic | Ctrl+I |
Underline | Ctrl+U |
Strike-through | Ctrl+S |
Undo/Redo | Ctrl+Z/Ctrl+Y |
Save map | Ctrl+S |
Save as… | Ctrl+Shift+S |
Load map | Ctrl+O |
Show/hide help | ? |
Notes | Ctrl+M |
Show/hide UI | * |